I don't have much to say tonight... but it's been a while since I posted. I am on my last week of vacation from school for the summer (I got a whopping 3 weeks.) I return to classes on the 30th and will have no breaks until I am done.done.done.... in DECEMBER! Of course, I will have a break for Thanksgiving but other than that I have a crazy schedule! My last classes are Theories of Personalities (not really looking forward to it...), Research Project I & II (Senior req), and another elective of my choice. I really am not looking forward to all of the writing that the next 16 weeks is going to have in store for me... icka!
I am so looking forward to being done with school. I am looking forward to being less stressed and having more time to focus on myself and Brandon and living healthier lifestyles. I have recently been thinking/realizing how much stress has an impact on our health. Not only my mental health but my physical health too. Ugh! I am looking forward to actually having time to do fun activities every week or even just be lazy on weekday evenings after cooking dinner MYSELF before ten o'clock.
Anyway, I'm being a bit negative I think. I have just felt a bit more somber lately so I guess this is why... I'm just tired. :)
On a brighter note... I opened another savings account with our credit union about six or seven months ago and I have been stashing money here and there throughout the months. I have been *trying* not to remember the amounts I've been putting in and have only asked for the balence a couple of times. : !!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's my excited face!) We have enough stashed to use my mom's timeshare here in December after I graduate and we also have enough for airfare/car/hotel in Arizona (probably Scottsdale) for a long weekend this fall!!!! Hubbs hasn't been on a vacation that was extra relaxing for two years... So, I think the long weekend in AZ will be great for him to golf and for us to visit old friends. Even if its only for two nights, it will be awesome!!! I sure hope we can go... Running a family business tends to ruin our plans sometimes... *crossing fingers!* I am super excited about going to Cabo. My parent's bought into the RCI/Pueblo Bonito timeshares over ten years ago and the resorts are seriously amazing. We stayed at this one for our honeymoon (thanks Mom & Don!) and we never wanted to leave the resort... dreamland. Anyway, so I'm glad I decided to write about our possible upcoming vacations because that put positive thoughts in my head!!!
I'm off to look up flights... :)
Oh, and to TAPG.... I still have more Jackson Tales! I will get to them. For goodness sakes, I haven't even told you about how he broke out of the same house window TWICE or ate our car! Gosh! So much to share!
A Letter for My Mom
11 months ago
You are one super busy lady and you are right...stress can have a HUGE impact on your life and health. I hope the next semester flies by for you honey...and I know it will :-) And when you are done with school, I think another graduation present you should treat yourself to is a trip out here. We will celebrate in the city :-)
I think learning is most fun when we don't "have" to! But you will get thru it!
Hope you get your long weekend!!!
Waiting patiently for Jackson the Hungry Hound tales! ;)
I am best buds with Osh and Taryn's Mom. Alisha gets married at the end of October and yesterday was actually HER bridal shower. Yes, it is a small world - especially in Oly!! :-)
Jen, TAPG and Mamacita would LOVE for you to meet up with us sometime! Wouldn't that be a treat for all your hard work?
My parents have the same timeshare... probably wasn't worth it since they hardly EVER go but the few times ive gone (pueblo bonito rose) it is soooo nice!! HOpefully we are going there this thanksgiving. and good work on saving up for your trip :-)
You deserve the break! School is over soon, just hang in there. I'd love to hear about the Organizational Leadership stuff soon. And kudos on stashing away the cash for the weekend! Everyone needs a vacation to look forward to, right?
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